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 Entertainment Archive 2019

Christine Baranski tells Stephen Colbert what real power is
by Nathan'ette Burdine: March 17, 2019

During a visit on Thursday to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (LSSC), Christine Baranski told host Stephen Colbert about what real power is.

    "What’s the key to projecting power?" Colbert asked Baranski.

    "Do nothing. This is something I had to learn playing Diane. You
     think you have to work harder at projecting your strength and your
     power. But if you think about it, a king or queen, they just sit
     there. Everybody has to come to them," said Baranski.

    "Everybody else moves," said Colbert

    "When you’re Clint Eastwood, you don’t move. The camera comes
     towards you. All you have to do is say make my day. The longer
     I’m on this show, the softer I talk. By Season 15, you won’t hear
     me," Baranski said.

She’s right about one thing. Powerful folks don’t have to exert much energy to get stuff moving because their mere presence is enough to get something in you moving.

Y’all married men, take y’all wives as examples of what power is. All she has to do is just look at you. You’ll get up off of that sofa and get out there in the pouring rain and power wash the house, and mow the yard because you know the consequences of not doing what your wife told you to do. The consequences being no macaroni ‘n’ cheese, collard greens, yams, sweet potato pie, potato salad, and sweet ice tea in your stomach.

You sitting up there looking over at Champ, the dog, eating your plate of food, getting his little belly rub and told what a good boy he is after he’s chewed up her $1,000 pair of shoes.

You didn’t chew up the shoes. Heck, you bought her the $1,000 pair of shoes that Champ, the dog, chewed up. Yet, you get put in the dog house all because you were too tired to power wash the house and mow the yard after doing back to back 40 hour shifts.

Mm-hmm, the power that y’all men folks’ wives have over y’all is the power that Baranski is talking about. Mm-hmm.

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